19 September 2010

Nothing More and Nothing Less

Ha!!  So I just realized something REALLY funny.  It's nearly 2am, I have to be up in 3 1/2 hours and I am stressing about my mile-long to-do list.  I figured I'd feel better if I just stayed up and got a few things done, since I can't sleep when I'm like this anyway.  But, the funny thing is, one of the items on my to-do list was to post this devotional.  Let the irony unfold...


Nothing More and Nothing Less by Rachel Olsen
A daily devotional (16 September 2010)

"You're blessed when you're content with just who you are—no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought." Matthew 5:5 (MSG)

Lord, how can I become content with just who I am, nothing more and nothing less?

I'm certainly prone to want to be more, or less, than I am. To be smarter, prettier, funnier, fitter. To be more productive, perky and high energy. And then also to be lower key, calmer, more level-headed and focused.

I want to have better self-awareness, and yet I want to be less concerned about what others think of me.

I want to be a better cook, to sing beautifully and to keep the house neat without so much perceived effort. And did I mention fuller, thicker hair would be nice too? I want to be a better writer – one that's both highly creative and meticulously organized. And I want fewer propensities to run late, slack off or procrastinate.

Yes, I want to be both more and less of me.

Jesus shushes my endless listing of the things I want to change about myself – to improve about myself so I can have what I'm sure would be a better life. He asks me instead to humbly make peace with it all. To lay down my notions of a better woman and a better life by letting Him be the judge of that. To simply take what I'm given and offer it back to Him, in service and surrender. Willingly assuming that I am enough – I have what it takes to live a great life. One that pleases God, others and self.

Today's key verse is among several in the Bible that fuels a core conviction I hold: When I stop striving to create a life for myself, I find the life God creates for me. This, my friend, is a powerful truth, a divine secret. His life for me begins precisely where mine ends. My life ends in my sin and striving and begins again in God's grace and power. His empowering indwelling affords me everything I truly need and nothing I truly don't.

Do you too long to be content with just who you are in Christ – nothing more and nothing less? Jesus addresses us both in Matthew 23:11-12, ""Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you'll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you're content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty." (MSG)

Amazingly, God's grace humbles a woman without degrading her, and His favor lifts her up without inflating her. The life she finds in Him makes her the proud owner of everything money can't buy – a life of contentment.


Dear Lord, help me to quiet my critical, striving spirit today and gratefully accept who I am and where I'm at in this moment. For You are here, ready to invisibly empower my life to count for plenty right where I am. Help me also to seek and hold your definition of "plenty" – nothing more and nothing less. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Application Steps:
It is possible to improve and grow - with dreams, plans and goals – and still be content today. Journal some notes to yourself about doing that – and schedule a time to return to read those notes in the future. Perhaps read it each Monday morning, or just whenever you feel yourself slipping into stressful striving.

Am I content today with who I am and where I'm at in life in this moment?

What can I do to find that contentment when it is missing?

Power Verses:
1 Peter 5:6-7, "So be content with who you are, and don't put on airs. God's strong hand is on you; he'll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you." (MSG)

Zephaniah 3:12-13, "This core holy people will not do wrong. They won't lie, won't use words to flatter or seduce. Content with who they are and where they are, unanxious, they'll live at peace." (MSG)

© 2010 by Rachel Olsen. All rights reserved.


So I'm guessing you understand now why I was laughing to myself that THIS was on the "To-Do" list that was causing me so much stress.  I guess this is a tricky concept to completely "get".  I find myself having to re-visit this topic through scripture, discussion, self-help books and articles... the same thing day after day after day.  Every moment, it seems, I am re-affirming my desire to surrender all of these worries to God... my desire to stop the craziness of the rat race and just BE.  And just a day, or hour, or minute later I'm back in it.  It's not easy to separate from this world - this society - where the focus is always so heavy on what you "do".  I know that I feel constant pressure to do more - to fit more things into each day - feeling immense satisfaction and relief when I am able to put a check mark after each item that is completed.  The thing is, that relief is fleeting if it ever even comes.  Most of my life is spent with stomach in knots and heart pounding as I strive frantically to reach this elusive "relief" I'm supposed to feel once I have it all together.  The truth is... no one has it all together.  There is always more that could be done, and what has been done probably could have been done better in some way.  There is always some deadline coming up and people that we are either responsible to or responsible for.  Funny how the shame of not meeting someone else's expectations of us or not living up to the image that we are trying to put out for the world to see is a more powerful motivator (and stressor) than the actual reality of the level of responsibility that we have and the relative importance of the task at hand.  The Truth is that until I accept who I am - with all of my faults, shortcomings, and limitations - I will never be able to live up to my own expectations.  Additionally, I need to consider the real importance of each item on that dreaded list.  Am I panicked about it because there will actually be dire consequences if it doesn't get done TODAY, or am I more concerned about saving face and convincing myself and everyone around me that I am indeed superwoman?  I guarantee that 90% of the time it's the latter situation.

So here it is folks... my anti-pep talk that can actually bring me up.  "Kimberly, I love you... but you are not THAT important... nothing you think you have to do, nothing that is causing you so much anxiety is important enough that the world will end if it doesn't get done in its own time (if at all).  No one really cares that you're superwoman (in fact, if you really were able to be that accomplished, no one would like you because they would think you are a snob with no time for a life or your friends).  All these things that you think you have to do... all these things you think you have to be... none of it has anything to do with what God wants for you.  THEY ARE ALL LIES!  Heh... go figure.  You know... if you actually understood what God wanted for your life, you'd probably be shocked at how little you would need to do.  In fact... God would probably tear that stupid list in half, pronounce your freedom from the tyranny of over-scheduling, and put you on a beach somewhere just to chill together for a while (I bet God would put on a good reggae album).  Try it sometime... sometime soon... it would make the big guy pretty happy to have some quality time with you."

And there you have it... what God REALLY wants of us... US!!!  He wants more of us... more of our time... more of our hearts... more relationship... more conversation.  And this doesn't require doing MORE... but doing LESS.  It requires stopping the craziness and finding a moment of solitude in the quiet.  It requires choosing to forgo the mental tap dance of all our "to-do"s clickety-clacking through our heads, and instead rejoice!  Dance like a maniac, sing, roll down a grassy hill, have a good cry, or just sit in the rare quiet.  Open up your heart to God... surrender the things that burden it... and just BE.  You will more thank likely end up BEING exactly the YOU that God intended... no more, no less 

So once again (and forgive me if we end up going through this same little heart-to-heart again tomorrow), I surrender it all to You, God.  I give you all my worries.  I give you all my fear.  Lord, I know you are good.  You have good things planned for me and for my life and I don't have to be scared to let go of my plan and let you carry out yours.  Thank you for loving me that much.  Thank you for reminding me every day of how much I need you.  Let me reflect this joy and your love in my life.  Help me to get through my day without being dragged down my fatigue... give me the strength to sing out praises to you tomorrow and to be a light to all the people that cross my path.

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