20 July 2013

Building My Faith Muscle

As I resurrect this blog, I find poetic timing in the fact that my last post was almost exactly two years ago.  At that time, I was just about to begin an incredible new season of my life and had no idea what God had in store for me.  This was a time in my life where, unable to see the future ahead, I put all of my faith in God and just took the next step forward into the unknown.  A few days later as I was staying with my sister in New Mexico, I got a job offer that brought me back to San Francisco.  I've been in that position for two years and God has done incredible things in my career, my church, and my personal life.  God had a better plan than anything I would have imagined for myself and if I hadn't surrendered my future to God, I would have missed out on all of this.

I started this blog to write about the journey that God was taking me on while I remained here in my home country.  It was intended to highlight the powerful things that happen in the ordinary seasons - the stretches of time that are not punctuated by thrilling trips and exotic adventures.  I needed a reminder that there is adventure enough in the day-to-day life of a Christ follower... that God does not need to take me halfway across the world to work in and through me.  Obediently I stayed where God had put me and in the last two years God took me on the most intense journey of my life.  In the last two years, God began a transformative work on the deepest parts of my heart, and provided the time and space in the "ordinary" for me to prepare for what lies ahead.  I find it a little ironic that it is this exact season that I didn't write about in this blog... considering it has been the best example of everything I intended this blog to represent.

The last time I didn't know what my future held, I put all my faith in God and surrendered my dreams to a greater plan.  I flexed my faith muscle and God proved to be faithful.  I learned that I could trust God's plan for my life and now I am sensing another season of faith upon me.  Again my future is obscured.   I don't know what lies ahead, but God has used the last two years to build my faith muscle and I know that I have nothing to fear.  I can take the next step and know that each step after will be illuminated in due time.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11